Project Malem

The Malem project offers a wide range of leisure activities for young people from the Malem neighborhood, with the support of the City of Ghent. Under the umbrella of this initiative, VZW Futsal Besiktas organizes no less than 25 activities each operating year. These activities mainly consist of 20 soccer moments, where young people can have fun on the pitch and improve their sporting skills. In addition, 5 other diverse activities ranging from creative workshops to educational trips are organized to provide young people with a versatile leisure activity.

The goal of the Malem project is to provide young people with an enjoyable and active leisure activity, where they can not only be physically active, but also develop important social skills. Through these activities, the project promotes social interaction, inclusion and respect among young people. Young people learn to work together, make new friendships and respect each other's differences.

The Malem project not only provides young people with a platform to discover and develop their talents, but also helps build self-confidence and a positive self-image. By emphasizing teamwork and mutual respect, the project creates a safe and supportive environment where young people feel valued and respected. Thus, it contributes to the social cohesion and well-being of the entire community in Malem.

Street League

Seven organizations are joining forces to offer Ghent children and youth more opportunities by playing soccer with them on various squares in the city. Known as Street League 9000, this joint initiative aims to make sports accessible to all, promote social cohesion and provide youth with a healthy and positive leisure activity.

Street League 9000 is formed by a diverse group of partners, each contributing their own expertise and network. The organizations involved are the KAA Gent Foundation, Futsal Besiktas, vzw Jong, FC Rooigem, Futsal Gent, vzw Ergenekon and vzw Sportaround. This cooperation ensures that a wide range of activities and support is available to the participating young people.

The coordination of this extensive network is in the hands of the KAA Gent Foundation, which, with the support of both the City of Ghent and KAA Gent, ensures that all activities run smoothly and that the goals of the project are achieved. Through their joint efforts, these organizations create a safe and stimulating environment where young people can not only play sports, but also develop important life skills such as teamwork, discipline and respect.

Street League 9000 is more than just a sports project; it is a social initiative dedicated to the integration and personal development of young people in Ghent. Through soccer, a sport that appeals to and connects young people, the partners work together to create a better future for youth and a stronger, more connected community.

🇧🇪 Futsal club from Ghent that competes in the 2nd National with the men and 1st National with the women.


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